文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第一張)
文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第二張)
如果你曾經尋找生命的意義,停止! 答案就在這裡。

The story of Rick and Dick Hoyt - Team Hoyt

Ironman Triathlon's commentary for this story is: If you have ever searched for the meaning of life. Stop! The answer lies right here.

This is a true story of father and son in Australia. Every year, rain hail or shine, they participate the triathlons in Australia, including the world renowned City to Surf. The father is in his 60's and still going very strong, it is excellent and inspiring to see them go for it.

鐵人三項對這個故事的評語是:如果你曾經尋找生命的意義,停止! 答案就在這裡。

這是一個在澳大利亞真實的故事。每年不管是下冰雹或大日天這對父親和兒子,都會參加在澳大利亞的鐵人三項,包括世界聞名的City of Surf。這位父親雖然已經年過六十了,卻仍然十分堅強。他們的優秀鼓舞了人心,讓我們看看他們是如何前進的。


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以下是MSNBC對Team Hoyt的採訪,內容十分的感人,內容包括很多人寫信給Dick Hoyt 告訴他他的行為讓很多的爸爸了解到作為一個父親的真正意義。

2010-04-26 作者:MSNBC Today Show Posted by 史丹佛 文教機構

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