文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第一張)
文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第二張)
Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
2007年9月18日,資科系教授蘭迪波許(Randy Pausch)在卡耐基梅隆大學的 400 觀眾前發表他最後的演講“真正實現你童年的夢想。”他在舞台上投影出他CT掃描後的結果給他的觀眾,蘭迪告訴他的聽眾癌症正在吞噬他的胰臟,而他的生命也將在數月內結束。那一天在舞台上,蘭迪是年輕的,精力充沛的,英俊的,充滿著愉快的心,偶而他會拿些黑暗的趣事來開玩笑。他似乎戰無不勝的。但是正如他自己解釋的,這只是一個短暫的時刻。



On September 18, 2007, computer science professor Randy Pausch stepped in front of an audience of 400 people at Carnegie Mellon University to deliver a last lecture called “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.” With slides of his CT scans beaming out to the audience, Randy told his audience about the cancer that is devouring his pancreas and that will claim his life in a matter of months. On the stage that day, Randy was youthful, energetic, handsome, often cheerfully, darkly funny. He seemed invincible. But this was a brief moment, as he himself acknowledged.

Randy’s lecture has become a phenomenon, as has the book he wrote based on the same principles, celebrating the dreams we all strive to make realities. Sadly, Randy lost his battle to pancreatic cancer on July 25th, 2008, but his legacy will continue to inspire us all, for generations to come.


2009-12-19 作者:Randy Pausch Posted by 史丹佛 補習班

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