文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第一張)
文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第二張)
Stanford Helping To Save The Earth: Our Logan Tree Planting Project
Stanford Helping To Save The Earth: Our Logan Tree Planting Project

作者 : 史丹佛竹南校

"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children."

      Bu Kenyan proverb

It is World Environment Day on June 5th. There are many ways to make a difference helping our planet, and at Stanford, we celebrate it in various ways with chidlren. We talked about what we can do to keep it special; to think about saving water and energy, reducing pollution, recycling, protecting our animals, trees and plants, and generally getting children interested and aware of their environment.

We Have Become......in Saving Our Earth:

 1.Energy Savers:

We turned off the lights one whole day and we reduced the electricity compsumption.
We also reminds our children to continue making sure the lights are switched off whenever they are not been used.



We always recycle: paper, glass, carboard and batteries.
We also reuse materials to create art pieces or turn them into something fun and cool, such as instruments and toys.
The simple act of recycling has a great impact on the envinroment.



Stanford has a nice and large campus, and we want to be as environemental friendly as possible, and planting trees and gardening is one thing we do here. Trees help clean the air, they provide oxygen, cool streets and cities. If planted strategically (like this one), it can cut summer time air-conditioning needs by 50 %. Moreoever, trees are the mark of seasons. If you want to know if it is winter, spring, summer or fall? Just look at the trees at Stanford!!

After the conversation with our children,

we decided to plant a Longan Tree at the entrence of our school.

Here is how the project goes...

These are the steps we followed:

1.Thanks to uncles, without your hardwork this mission can't be accomplished!
Uncles helped us to dig a big hole to plant our Logan Tree.


2.Before we start planting, and according to Taiwanese tradition, we prayed to the gods for the tree's health.


3.We helped uncles to bring the big tree to the hole and planted it. Uncles are so strong, we cheered on the side to give uncles more strength!

4.Next, we added soil and fertilizer to make the favorable conditions for our Logan Tree.


5.After the tree is planted, we took care of it, the first thing we did was to water the tree. Look at us, we make sure the water is even given to the tree.


6.When uncles finished the planting, we tied a red ribbon to the tree to make it stronger, taller and healthier.


7.Because we wanted our tree to have a better image, so we decided to decorate the ground with some painted stones.

“What do you want to draw? ”Miss Sally asked.

Some of them said, “I want to draw a dinosaur.”

Others replied, “I want to draw a fish.”


fter the Logan Tree is planted, we need to care for it everyday. We water the Logan Tree, take care of it patiently, and we hope the furitful day will come soon!!
We show our commitment to the Earth planting a tree and we hope that it will stay strong and healthy; moreover, give us some fruits!!

When the fruitful day comes, we will make sure to share it again up here! ^_^

To be continued...

2010-06-04 作者:Stanford Posted by Stanford

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