文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第一張)
文享咖啡廳 (對應文享咖啡左邊第二張)



A tsunami is a series of water waves (also called a tsunami wave train) caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, usually an ocean, though it can occur in large lakes.

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear devices), landslides and other mass movements, meteorite ocean impacts or similar impact events, and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.


2004年,十歲的英國女孩蒂莉‧史密斯(Tilly Smith),在泰國普吉島的 Maikhao海灘用運這個觀測法告訴她的家人父母和妹妹,並救了上百人的生命。謙虛的史密斯把這些功勞都歸功於她的地理老師,安德魯‧科爾尼(Andrew Kearney)。

A tsunami cannot be precisely predicted, even if the magnitude and location of an earthquake is known. However, there are some warning signs of an impending tsunami, and it is called DRAWBACKS.
In 2004, ten-year old Tilly Smith of Surrey, England, was on Maikhao beach in Phuket, Thailand with her parents and sister, and having learned about tsunamis recently in school, told her family that a tsunami might be imminent. Her parents warned others minutes before the wave arrived, saving dozens of lives. She credited her geography teacher, Andrew Kearney.


Drawback 的產生是因為當水在向前推動時都會有個低波在其前面。Drawback 會在整個波長的半個周期前到達,也就是說兩個浪的前後最高點的中間點就會等同Drawback 出現後大浪抵達的長度與時間。換句話說,海嘯越大的話Drawback出現的時間就越長,出現的退潮也就越大,有時退潮可超過數百公尺,常常人們都沒有意識到這個的危險,並留在岸邊滿足他們的好奇心,或是抓那些被暴露在淺灘上面的魚。

The first part of a tsunami to reach land is a trough—called a drawback—rather than a wave crest, the water along the shoreline recedes dramatically, exposing normally submerged areas. As the speed of propagation of the tsunami
wave reduces as it nears land, the wave increases in height.
A drawback occurs because the water propagates outwards with the trough of the wave at its front. Drawback begins before the wave arrives at an interval equal to half of the wave's period. Drawback can exceed hundreds of metres, and people unaware of the danger sometimes remain near the shore to satisfy their curiosity or to collect fish from the exposed seabed.



The first waves may reach shore in as little as 15 minutes after an earthquake. This may not be enough time for an official warning to be issued.

The best warning, then, is the earthquake itself. If you live in a tsunami zone and the ground shakes severely for more than one minute, head for high ground as soon as it’s safe to move.

1. 往高地移動(至少要比海拔高潮線在高個10-15公尺以上)。

2. 盡可能的避免使用車輛等交通工具。如果可以的話用跑的,看到比較陡坡用爬的,因為往往使用交通工具會花更多的時間。而且使用徒步的方式在應變方面會比使用交通工具迅速。

3. 如果您附近沒有高地的話,那迅速的往內陸移動,遠離海岸。如果你也不能這麼做的話,那趕快找一個堅固的建築物或是爬上屋頂上。混凝土建築物是最安全的。

4. 如果以上都不行的話,最後的手段就是爬上一棵夠壯的樹。

1. Move to high ground immediately (at least 10-15 metres in elevation above the high tide line).

2. Avoid traveling by vehicle if possible. Use footpaths if you can. They are often the shortest and safest routes to high ground.

3. If you can’t get to high ground, head inland, away from the coast. If you can’t do that either, go to an upper story of a sturdy building or get on its roof. Concrete buildings are the safest.

4. As a last resort, climb a strong tree.

Boats in Deep Water 船隻在外海
If you are in deep water (at least 200 fathoms or 400 metres) when a tsunami warning is issued, stay there. Tsunami waves are small in deep water and probably won’t cause any damage.

Boats in Harbour 船隻在港口內
當發出了海嘯警報時,如果您的船仍然在港口時,你可能有時間往深水的地方去。 這時可以聽官方估計海嘯到達時間來評估是否合宜盡速出海。如果海嘯已經太近了,就盡速棄船千萬不要出海。

If you are still in the harbour when a tsunami warning is issued, you may have time to get to deep water. Listen to official estimated tsunami wave arrival times and plan safely. Do not motor your boat to open water if it is too close to the wave arrival time.

Moored Boats 停泊船隻
If there is a local tsunami and you are moored in a harbour, abandon your boat immediately. Head for high ground.

Floatplanes 水上飛機
If you are in a floatplane in a harbour, take off as soon as possible. Land safely on a lake or another area not at risk.

輻射劑量比較圖 請看

關於地震Earthquake 簡易插畫版請看

2011-03-16 作者:史丹佛文教機構 Posted by 竹南 史丹佛幼兒園

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